As much as I am happy with my current one, I surely wouldn't mind upgrading myself to this one. Its a bit bulky I know but hey the zoom function is awesome according to some photogs friends of mine. The price is quite reasonable too, you can order one here if you are too lazy to check out other places for prices.



The other day I was browsing for mp3s of Surah Ya'asin when I stumble upon this very interesting book. It says here that this book is Translated from the Arabic book (La Tahzan) - A book that is a MUST HAVE for every Muslim adult, and teen-agers !

If I had a credit card (yes! I don't own one, long story which involves lawyers hehe) I would've bought this instantly. But then again if I bought this online, wouldn't the book be stopped at the post office and sent to the Ministry of Religious Affairs for censorship first? I guess its best I ask one of my jet setting friends to get it for me and sneak it pass the customs  kekeke... Anyway, here is a lil' bit more of the introduction about the book...

In this era, where psycho-social issues and the unstoppable lifestyle engage a human spirit in a confusing maze, it is very vital to keep the right perspectives and attitudes to lead a normal life. This is especially true not just for Muslim adults but also for Muslim teen-agers who are trying to make sense of the world around them and the Islamic values that they are trying to adhere to ! This book provides a breath of fresh air and is therefore one of the most popular books distributed on this site.

The author enumerates many stories from history and highlights the lesson learned not just from the life of the prophet Muhammed (SAWS), the last prophet of Islam, but also from the lives of other renowned non-Muslim personalities such as Napolean, Emerson and others.

The author cites the example of certain great Islamic scholars who were not rich with the wealth of material world, yet they lived very peaceful lives. One the other hand, there were rulers in the same era who although lived in castles, but their lives were in turmoil and were filled with anxiety and in worry. The book reminds the reader that sadness enervates the soul's will to act and paralyzes the body into inactivity. Sadness prevents one from action instead of compelling one towards it.

Sounds good right? Well, you can read more about the contents here and also if you wanna risk it, order it online. Good Luck.

click on the image to flip thru the slides

I always remind myself the difficult path that I'm in is just all a minor test from Allah S.A.W.
Especially when compared to the millions of other unfortunate people.
We are blessed to be breathing here.
In the comfort of our air-conditioned surroundings.
Having the luxuries of life, eventhough its not as much as we want.
Rahmat Allah S.A.W. is all around us.
So there is nothing we should complain about.

Not having that flashy car, the latest laptop, that high paying job or that perfect life-partner is not the end of the world.
Its not what we will take when we are buried as our worldly life ends.
So I keep telling myself to be thankful for what I have.
We all should.
Appreciate the ones closest to you and love them as much as you could.
Eventhough the returns might not be as rewarding as you would like it to be.

Ya Allah ya Tuhanku, tunjukkan lah kami semua ke jalan yang benar.
Ke jalan yang lurus untuk menuju syurgamu.
Rahmati lah hidup dan amalan kami.
Dan semoga mati kami nanti akan sentiasa dalam penuh keimanan kepadamu.


Jodoh tiada kaitan dengan keturunan. Hanya belum sampai masanya. Ia bagai menanti jambatan untuk ke seberang. Kalau panjang jambatannya jauhlah perjalanan kita. Ada org jodohnya cepat sebab jambatannya singkat.
Usia 25 tahun rasanya belumlah terlalu lewat.
Dan usia 35 tahun belum apa2 kalau
sepanjang usia itu telah digunakan untuk membina kecemerlangan.

Nyatakanlah perasaan dan keinginan anda itu dalam doa2 lewat sembahyang.
Allah mendengar.

Wanita baik untuk lelaki yang baik, sebaliknya wanita jahat untuk lelaki yang jahat. Biar lambat jodoh asalkan mendapat Mr Right dan biar seorang diri daripada menjadi mangsa lelaki yang tidak beriman kemudian nanti.

Memang kita mudah tersilap mentafsir kehidupan ini. Kita selalu sangka, aku pasti bahagia kalau mendapat ini. Hakikatnya, apabila kita benar2 mendapat apa yang kita inginkan itu, ia juga dtg bersama masalah.

Kita selalu melihat org memandu kereta mewah dan terdetiklah di hati kita, bahagianya org itu. Hakikatnya apabila kita sendiri telah memiliki kereta mewah kita ditimpa pelbagai kerenah. Tidak mustahil pula org yang memandu kereta mewah (walaupun sebenarnya tak mewah) terpaksa membayar lebih tatkala berhenti untuk membeli durian di tepi jalan. Orang lain membeli dengan harga biasa, dia terpaksa membayar berlipat ganda.

Ketika anda terperangkap dalam kesesakan jalan raya, motosikal mencelah-celah hingga mampu berada jauh di hadapan. Anda pun mengeluh, alangkah baiknya kalau aku hanya menunggang sebuah motosikal seperti itu dan cepat sampai ke tempat yang dituju. Padahal si penunggang motosikal mungkin sedang memikirkan bilakah dia akan memandu kereta di tgh2 bandar raya.

Bukan semua yang anda sangka membahagiakan itu benar2 membahagiakan. Bahagianya mungkin ada tapi deritanya juga datang sama. Semua benda, pasti ada baik buruknya.

Demikian juga perkahwinan. Ia baik sebab ia dibenarkan oleh agama, sunnah Nabi, sebagai saluran yang betul untuk melepaskan shahwat di samping membina sahsiah dan sebagainya, tapi ia juga buruk sebab ramai org yang berkahwin hidupnya semakin tidak terurus.

Ramai orang menempah neraka sebaik sahaja melangkahkan kaki ke alam berumahtangga. Bukankah dengan ijab dan Kabul selain menghalalkan hubungan kelamin, tanggungjawab yang terpaksa dipikul juga turut banyak? Bukankah apabila anda gagal melaksanakannya, anda membina dosa seterusnya jambatan ke neraka?

Berapa ramaikah yang menyesali perkahwinan masing2 padahal dahulunya mereka bermati-matian membina janji, memupuk cinta kasih malah ada yang sanggup berkorban apa sahaja asalkan segala impian menjadi nyata?

Jika tidak sanggup untuk bergelar isteri tidak usah berkahwin dulu. Jika merasakan diri belum cukup ilmu untuk bergelar ibu ataupun ayah, belajarlah dulu. Jika rasa2 belum bersedia untuk bersabar dgn kerenah anak2, carilah dulu kesabaran itu. Jangan berkahwin dahulu sebab kenyataannya ramai yang tidak bersedia untuk melangkah tetapi telah melompat, akhirnya jatuh terjerumus dan tidak jumpa akar berpaut tatkala cuba mendaki naik.

Berkahwin itu indah dan nikmat bagi yang benar2 mengerti tuntutan2nya.

Berkahwin itu menjanjikan pahala tidak putus2 bagi yang menjadikannya gelanggang untuk mengukuhkan iman, mencintai Tuhan dan menjadikan syurga sebagai matlamat. Berkahwin itu sempadan dari ketidaksempurnaan insan kepada kesempurnaan insan - bagi yang mengetahui rahsia2nya.

Berkahwinlah anda demi Tuhan dan Nabi-Nya, bukan berkahwin kerana perasaan dan mengikut kebiasaan. Jodoh usah terlalu dirisaukan, tiba masanya ia akan datang menjemput, namun perlu juga anda membuka lorong2nya agar jemputan itu mudah sampai dan tidak terhalang.

Kadang-kadang Allah sembunyikan matahari..
Dia datangkan petir dan kilat..
Kita menangis dan tertanya-tanya,
Kemana hilangnya sinar..Rupa-rupanya..
Allah nak hadiahkan kita pelangi




"There is no mystery to happiness.

Unhappy men are all alike. Some wound they suffered long ago, some wish denied, some blow to pride, some kindling spark of love put out by scorn - or worse, indifference - cleaves to them, or they to it, and so they live each day within a shroud of yesterdays. The happy man does not look back. He doesn't look ahead. He lives in the present.

But there's the rub. The present can never deliver one thing: meaning. The ways of happiness and meaning are not the same. To find happiness, a man need only live in the moment; he need only live for the moment. But if he wants meaning - the meaning of his dreams, his secrets, his life - a man must reinhabit his past, however dark, and live for the future, however uncertain. Thus nature dangles happiness and meaning before us all, insisitng only that we choose between them."

From Jed Rubenfeld's The Interpretation of Murder.

    About me

    Just your average geeky guy with an addiction to the world wide web...


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